Home | ServicesMutual Fund (MF)
Portfolio Diversification – Mutual Funds diversify your investments by investing in different asset classes. As an individual investor, one cannot afford to invest in variety of sectors, mutual funds offers diversification and exposure to multiple sectors through minimal investment.
Professional Management – Long term mutual funds are managed by qualified, experienced professionals who work towards the fulfilment of the investment objective of the fund.
Transparency – Mutual Funds Performance is easily available on their own website as well the performance is reviewed and published by esteemed publications and rating agencies.
Rupee Cost Averaging – Regular investing irrespective of the market trends help you average your investment cost over a period of time. You get higher number of units when the markets are falling. Similarly, if the markets are rising, the overall value of the portfolio increases.
Portfolio management service(PMS)
A portfolio management service (PMS) is an investment vehicle under which an investor’s portfolio is managed by a professional fund manager. The fund manager is usually a market expert or veteran in return for a fee. Portfolio management services define their investment universe and investment strategy in prior so investors can decide if the mandate suits their needs and accordingly invest.
Who can participate in a PMS scheme?
Since the portfolio management services minimum investment, as stipulated by SEBI, is Rs 50,00,000, investors who have the required investable amount are eligible investors. An investor should also keep in mind the duration for which they are looking to stay invested. Equity PMS is suited for investors who are willing to stay invested for at least 4-5 years. It is suited for those whose long-term goals are capital appreciation and wealth creation as opposed to regular income generation.
How PMS schemes operate:
A separate Demat account is created for investors opting for a PMS scheme. All investments are made in the investor’s name mandatorily. This is attributed to a high degree of ownership and transparency in the PMS model. Dividends or any other corporate actions are usually re-invested in the account and do not hit the client’s bank account. Under a discretionary PMS model, there is an agreement in place between the portfolio manager and client which allows the portfolio manager to make investments on the investor’s behalf. Investors do not have access to facilitate transactions in this account.
SEBI regulations:
Since PMS investing is niche and involves high ticket size investments, there are specific regulations that oversee the operations of a PMS. The regulations dictate that the portfolio manager must disclose the entire scope of services, the fund strategy, and other essential details like benchmark, exit loads and fees to the investor before their investment. A portfolio manager is required to furnish performance reports to the client at least once in 3 months.
Alternative Investment Funds (AIF)
An AIF in mutual fund is a privately pooled investment vehicle that collects funds from sophisticated investors, both domestic and international, to invest as per a defined investment mandate for the benefit of its investors. Technically, AIF is categorized into three categories based on its investment mandate
There are 3 types of Funds
AIF Category I
Invests in early-stage equity and debt instruments. Typically, this category would comprise Venture capital funds (Including Angel Funds), SME Funds, Social Venture Funds, & Infrastructure funds.
AIF Category ||
This is a residual category of funds that invest in alternative assets like real estate and differentiated strategies around unlisted equities which do not fall under the SEBI definition for CAT I AIF’s & CAT III AIF’s.
AIF Category |||
This category of funds typically invests in the listed equity space using diverse investment strategies including derivatives. This category of funds is typically referred to as Hedge Funds.
Other Services
Bonds/NCDs/Corporate Fixed Deposits
Non Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
Investors want investment options that manage liquidity and risks while offering substantial returns. Debentures are long-term financial instruments issued by a company for specified tenure with a promise to pay fixed interest to the investor. Debentures are of two types, namely convertible debentures and non-convertible debentures (NCD).Non-convertible debentures (NCD) are those which cannot be converted into shares or equities. NCD interest rates depend on the company issuing the NCD.
NCD investments can be held by individuals, banking companies, primary dealers, other corporate bodies registered or incorporated in India and unincorporated bodies.
Corporate Fixed Deposits are one of the many money raising tools for Companies. Through these, Companies raise money from the public and offer a fixed rate of interest for different tenures. The amount of money which can be raised is decided by the Approving authorities.
As a part of your portfolio, Corporate Fixed Deposits provide much-needed stability in returns and also reduce volatility. They best suit investors who prefer fixed returns on their investments.
Other General Features:
These have periodic interest payment option (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annually, Annually) and Cumulative option (Compounded and paid at maturity) specific to the deposit.
They offer higher rates of interest than regular bank deposits.
The issue is rated by Independent Rating agencies like CARE, CRISIL, ICRA, etc.
Some Fixed Deposits can be bought online
No TDS if the interest is up to Rs. 5000 in a single financial year.
PE/VC/Unlisted Securities
We help clients in buying and selling high-quality unlisted shares/Pre IPO Shares. Due to our vast reach, you can get the best mf to invest for long term that can match the trades and provide competitive prices to our clients.
While investments in Unlisted/Pre IPO shares have the potential of giving high returns, they are also accompanied by higher risk due to a variety of reasons. Investors need to exercise caution while investing in Unlisted/Pre IPO companies. Generally, they should have a minimum time horizon of 4 years and should not allocate more than 30% of their portfolio in Unlisted/Pre IPO shares.
- Private equity is an alternative form of private financing, away from public markets, in which funds and investors directly invest in companies or engage in buyouts of such companies.
- Private equity firms make money by charging management and performance fees from investors in a fund.
- Among the advantages of private equity are easy access to alternate forms of capital for entrepreneurs and company founders and less stress about quarterly performance. Those advantages are offset by the fact that private equity valuations are not set by market forces.
- Private equity can take on various forms, from complex leveraged buyouts to venture capital.
Will Planning and Trust Services
Will Related
- Customised will writing
- Executorship services
- Will registration & Safe-keeping (only Mumbai currently)
- Probate services
Trust Services
- Advising on, and drafting the trust deed
- Trust administration services
- Establishing trusts and winding up services
Gift Deed/PoAs/Family Agreements
- Advice
- Drafting
- Registration
Estate Planning advice
- Even if you lose someone near and dear who has not written a will, contact us for guidance.
The world we live in is full of uncertainties and risks. Individuals, families, businesses, properties, and assets are exposed to different types and levels of risks. These include risk of losses of life, health, assets, property, etc. While it is not always possible to prevent unwanted events from occurring, the financial world has developed products that protect individuals and businesses against such losses by compensating them with financial resources. Insurance is a financial product that reduces or eliminates the cost of loss or effect of loss caused by different types of risks.
Well-being of family is important for all and health of family members is the biggest concern for most. From elderly parents to newborn children, medication and hospitalization play important role while ensuring well-being of families. Rising medical treatment costs and soaring medicine prices are enough to drain your savings if not well prepared. Anyone can fall victim to critical illnesses (such as heart attack, stroke, cancer etc.) unexpectedly. And rising medical expense is of great concern. Medical Insurance is a policy that protects individuals financially against different type of health risks. With a Health Insurance policy, an insured gets financial support in case of medical emergency.
Insurance facilitates moving of risk of loss from the insured to the insurer. The basic principle of insurance is to spread risk among a large number of people. A large population gets insurance policies and pay premium to the insurer. Whenever a loss occurs, it is compensated out of corpus of funds collected from the millions of policyholders.
Non Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
Investors want investment options that manage liquidity and risks while offering substantial returns. Debentures are long term financial instruments issued by a company for specified tenure with a promise to pay fixed interest to the investor. Debentures are of two types, namely convertible debentures and non-convertible debentures (NCD).
Non-convertible debentures (NCD) are those which cannot be converted into shares or equities. NCD interest rates depend on the company issuing the NCD.
NCD investment can be held by individuals, banking companies, primary dealers other corporate bodies registered or incorporated in India and unincorporated bodies.